Medlemsmøte 9. februar 2017
“Regulatory update” ved Geir Dugstad, Technical Director - DNVGL Maritime. The presentation provided an overview of what is on the regulatory agenda of IMO, EU and USCG impacting shipping. The focus in the presentation was on environmental regulations concerning Sulphur, NOx, ballast water and CO2.
“New regulations to fuel an upswing” ved Petter Haugen, Senior Equity Analyst i DNB Markets.
Tougher environmental regulations like the Ballast Water Management Convention and International Maritime Organization’s Sulphur limit have been ratified in recent months.
What impact will these regulations have for already cash-strapped shipowners? And could these regulations improve the imbalance seen in many shipping markets today?
Medlemsmøte 4. april 2017
“Dry bull? Improved market conditions from the all-time low seen in 2016 has caused a major sentiment change in dry bulk. It is clear that market players are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and taking positions to be a part of the anticipated market recovery; dry bulk asset values are climbing rapidly as a result”,ved analytiker Hedda Braathen fra Grieg.
Hedda Braathen har siden 2015 jobbet som analytiker for Grieg Shipbrokers og holder i dag stillingen som senior analytiker. Braathen konsentrerer seg innen tørrlast.
"Golden Ocean – recent developments and the way going forward", ved CFO Per Heiberg fra Golden Ocean"
Per Heiberg har vært CFO for Golden Ocean siden april 2016 og har jobbet for Golden Ocean siden 2005. Før det jobbet Heiberg for Electrabel Nordic og Statkraft."
Medlemsmøte 20. september 2017
"Achieving digital success requires sharing knowledge and experiences", ved Inge Sandvik, Chief Digital Officer i Wilhelmsen Holding
Sandvik has for the last 20 years been working in global tech, internet- and consulting companies, and started his entrepreneurial path back in 2004 as co-founder and CEO in Mobile CTI. Mobile CTI was a pioneer in smart phone apps and created Norway's most popular mobile app, 1881 Mobile. Furthermore Inge has over 10 years of experience from international tech- and software companies such as Telenor, Oracle, Compaq/HP, and PwC Consulting. He is also an advisor/mentor to entrepreneurs and start-ups both in Norway and abroad, as well as co-founder and organizer for Product Tank Oslo, which is part of one of the world's largest communities for product managers available in more than 100 cities.
Sandvik's current role is Chief Digital Officer in Wilhelmsen Holding.
Medlemsmøte 31. oktober 2017
"Offshore Wind; a challenging game of lifting high up, when will the ships be unable?", ved Ketil Arvesen, Vice President, Fred. Olsen Ocean AS
Fred. Olsen was one of the first traditional Norwegian shipping companies to enter into wind/renewable energy. The presentation covered Fred. Olsen's part of the value chain, including the installation, operation and maintenance of wind turbines.......
"Green is the new Black - the transition to green energy and the vessels needed to support the construction and maintenance of offshore Wind 2.0", ved Frederik Colban-Andersen, Divisional Director of the Offshore Renewables Group, Clarksons Platou
Clarksons Platou is the world's leading provider of integrated shipping and offshore services with 1400 employees and 48 offices. Since 2006 the group has been involved with providing brokering services to developers and contractors building offshore wind farms and today bolster the largest, global, offshore renewables broker and consultancy team.....
Medlemsmøte 12. november 2017
"Tankmarkedet og utsiktene fremover", ved Dag Kilen, Senior Shipping Analyst, Fearnleys Research
Svak inntjening det siste året og forventning om det samme gjennom store deler av 2018 ventes å resultere i relativt få leveringer av nybygg i 2019 og 2020.
Shipping vil måtte forholde seg til implementering av IMOs 2020 sulfur cap, og forventet økt skraping av eldre skip, med lav netto og effektiv flåtevekst som resultat i 2020. Etterspørselen forventes tilbake i l a 2018 når OPEC er ferdig med å rebalansere oljemarkedet, og manglende investeringer i ny oljeproduksjon de siste tre årene ventes å snu overskudd til underskudd, og markedets fokus vil skifte til å sikre oljeforsyning. Det ventes at tankmarkedet vil se en sterkere inntjeningsperiode fra sent 2018 til gjennom 2020.
"ECO-skip - påvirkning av nye miljøkrav på dagens flåte og videre todeling av markdet", ved Jens-Julius R. Nygaard, adm. dir. i Awilco
Fokus på miljø og skipsfartens påvirkning gjennom utslipp til sjø og luft er, og vil bli, et stadig mer aktuelt tema og fremtvinge økt skraping av tonnasje. De nye ECO-skipene har vist seg å levere bedre enn forventet og gir allerede rederne et betydelig konkurransefortrinn både med tanke på miljøgevinsten og inntjening. Dette forventes å bidra til å skape et todelt marked som på sikt bør føre til en bedre balanse i tilbudet. Etterspørselssiden virker svært robust i årene fremover, bl.a. knyttet til Asia, men det store spørsmålet for tank er hva som vil skje på nybiggingssiden og hvordan det vil påvirke utsiktene.
Nygaard har sittet i styret i Shippingforum i 5 år fra 2011 til 2016, som styremedlem og nestleder.
Medlemsmøte 11. januar 2018
Offshore fish farming
"The salmon farming industry - today and in the future" by Vegard Kjølhamar, Credit Analyst, DNB Markets' fixed Income team
Kjølhamar is a Credit Analyst at DNB Markets' Fixed Income team, with seafood as one of the sectors he covers. his previous roles in DNB are as Credit Analyst in the Large Corporates and International Division and as Group Trainee. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst and holds an MBA from the University of Colorado.
"Offshore fish farming - challenges and benefits" by Stephen Adshead, CEO, Ocean Aquafarms AS
The presentation focused on how Ocean Aquafarms have taken their expertise from the oil sector and into a new industry ...
Adshead established several companies that have developed and built offshore drilling rigs in China with focus on norwegian compliant units. Managing Director of Ocean Aquafarms from the start with responsibility to build the organization and develop the prototype Hex Box design.